Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0 and Security - Oh My!

Jul 04, 2007
1 minutes
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ANALYSIS - Beyond the buzz and hype associated with Enterprise 2.0 and Web 2.0 there lies a set of tools such as IM, VoIP, Blogs and RSS that can foster collaboration and improve productivity.

In the enterprise world, many of these applications are already in use. The debate will rage as to how effective the applications are in achieving their promise of more productivity but there is a strong possibility that left unchecked, these applications may have a negative impact on the business - be it via an attack, increased IT costs or compliance issues. Attempts to eliminate them from desktops has proven to be nearly impossible, so IT departments need to find a means to control them at the gateway. This article points out that the tools are on the corporate network or will be soon...so be prepared.

Click here to view the Social Computing Magazine article.

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