Exploring the Security and Threat Landscape as a SecurityWeek Contributor

Oct 20, 2011
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I have been invited to be a regular guest columnist for SecurityWeek, a well-known, industry-respected publication that covers IT security from avariety of angles. In my first few posts, I explore the “Evolution of Malware” (September 19, 2011) and the ways to combat it in “Getting Your Hands Dirty in the Fight on Modern Malware” (October 3, 2011) and “Getting Your Hands Dirty In the Fight on Malware, Part 2” (October 17, 2011).

In the months to come, I will discuss a number of other topics ranging from how modern threats can compromise enterprise networks; how the evolution and increasing demands of the mobile employee opens new vectors for attacks as well as offer techniques for organizations to consider when dealing with network security threats.

I encourage customers and readers to share their feedback each week in the comments section of the posts, or here on this blog as well.

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