A Preview of Infosec Europe

Apr 20, 2012
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It’s April, spring is in the air, and that means crowds of security professionals will soon make their way to London for InfoSec Europe. This year the event will be held April 24th through the 26th, 2012, and Earl’s Court in the Royal Borough of Kensington will host the activities.

If you haven’t been to InfoSec Europe before, you’ll find that it has a number of elements that make it stand out. It’s a top class event that draws crowds in excess of 10,000 people, and that makes for a crackling show. It’s also big in terms of spectacle, because the booth designs are some of the tallest and most elaborate around. Nearly every design climbs towards the ceiling, so it’s easy to get overwhelmed by it all.

But the main reason I love InfoSec Europe is the quality of discussions that I have with security professionals. We typically see conversations that span the spectrum, ranging from ways to deal with risks to the business to technical discussions about the next-generation firewall. This year, it’ll be even easier to find us, as we’ve got a new 7 meter square booth located at the show perimeter.

I’ll be there at InfoSec Europe, and I look forward to seeing you as well. Come see Palo Alto Networks at booth K50 to talk to our experts, see a demo of the next-generation firewall, and find out what it can do for you.

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