Ignite Session Preview: The Changing Face of Network Security

Sep 17, 2012
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At Ignite in November, I am privileged to moderate a panel of enterprise network security thought leaders. Paul Carugati from Motorola Solutions, Mark Starry from Capital Region Health Care, and Mike from a leading financial institution of whom public mention is pending. These are all network security pros who have significant experience with our product, to be sure, but more importantly, they are leaders in their organizations. As such, I'm going to be focused on drawing out the lessons learned as they transformed their network security infrastructure, policies, and operations.

All too often, IT spends way too much time reacting – either to crises or to the direction of the business. I think one of the themes I've heard in talking to some of the smartest folks running enterprise network security is that the promised land is a place where IT can be proactive on network security – regardless of whether that proactivity is in regard to policy discussions with the business, understanding trends before they impact the organization, direction on technology, or even operations. This is where I want to take our panel – I think Paul, Mike, and Mark will help me and the audience at Ignite understand their successes and lessons learned in this regard. My job is to assemble a great set of strategic questions, and guide the conversation – where my esteemed panelists will provide the leadership.

To that end, I want to crowd-source some questions. To my readers – if you're attending Ignite (and if you're not, you should), and there are things you'd like to hear from Paul, Mark, and Mike, let me know your thoughts. Have a look at the panel abstract entitled "The Changing Face of Network Security", and send me your best questions – either on the blog, or via Twitter (@clking_sf) or Facebook.

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