Palo Alto Networks Thrives In APAC and Japan

Oct 29, 2013
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Members of the Palo Alto Networks executive team recently toured Japan and parts of the Asia Pacific region, meeting with customers, channel partners and members of the media. Here are a few highlights from our local activities, all of which underscore just how much our strength in the region is growing.

While in Singapore, Palo Alto Networks President & CEO Mark McLaughlin met with The Edge, Singapore’s top weekly business and investment newspaper, and also appeared on CNBC’s Squawk Box Asia edition. It was then on to Seoul, South Korea, where Mark met with several publications – Korea Economy Daily and Electronic Times among them – as well as SBS-TV. A final swing through Tokyo brought Mark to a spirited discussion with Nikkei Newspaper – watch for coverage soon!

Our founder and CTO, Nir Zuk, also visited Japan earlier this month and spent quite a bit of time talking with business, technology publications, financial and channel media, from Nikkei Enterprise to ZDNet, on the major gains made by Palo Alto Networks in the region. Among Nir interviews to take a look at are this chat with, this discussion with, and this interview with MYNAVI news. As Nir noted on several occasions, Palo Alto Networks’ platform continues to triumph in part because “other anti-virus vendors [can’t] find 70 percent of the malware we find.”

If you have the feeling you’ve seen a lot of both Mark and Nir lately, you’re right! Hopefully you caught Mark on CNBC’s Mad Money last week. And if you haven’t yet signed on for Nir’s Twitter Chat tomorrow (Oct. 30), come on over and join us at 10 am Pacific.



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