Customer Spotlight: Guarding High-Stakes Financial and Energy Data From Endpoint Exploits

Oct 30, 2014
1 minutes
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RWE Supply & Trading runs Europe's biggest trading floor and also a network of trading floors on three continents. Along with global wholesale markets for energy and energy-related raw materials in tradable commodities, it oversees millions upon million of dollars in daily financial transactions.


Along with network security, RWE Supply & Trading is also concerned about compliance -- the industry includes strict regulations about data protection for financial services and power companies. With global infrastructure including power stations, remote workstations, laptops and a distributed workforce, RWE had a lot of potential for weak links when it comes to security.

Read about how RWE selected Palo Alto Networks for integrated endpoint protection. I also invite you to check out these recent articles about RWE and Palo Alto Networks:

Customer Spotlight is our regular look at how various customers are using the Palo Alto Networks approach to enterprise security to solve their infrastructure challenges. Read more customer stories here.

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