Don’t Fight the Good Fight Alone - Join Fuel Today

Feb 19, 2015
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The Palo Alto Networks Fuel User Group (Fuel) launched last week, and members are already kicking off security discussions within the community. Fuel is made up of professionals who are responsible for securing information and critical infrastructure, and it serves as a hub for members to share information and collaborate.


Fuel’s Board of Directors contains a wealth of collective knowledge on cybersecurity, and drives the community to provide an engaging and information filled environment where members can collaborate and learn.

With over 15 years of experience in IT, Board Member Blake Wofford knows how valuable the Fuel community will be to members, “I fought this fight for a long time by myself. I know now that there are a lot of other people out there that have a lot of knowledge that I really need to get a hold of. Fuel is going to be a great way to find those people.”

Check out these videos to hear what the Fuel Board of Directors has to say about the power of community, understanding the evolving threat landscape, and sharing cybersecurity information and best practices.

Join Fuel to start conversations with Board Members and hundreds of other security professionals around the world. Become a Fuel Premium Member today, and take advantage of unlimited access to all Fuel member benefits at no cost. Premium membership fees will be waived for all members who join Fuel in 2015.

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