Palo Alto Networks Academy: A Degree with Class

Jun 29, 2015
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Have you benefited from the Palo Alto Networks Academy?

If so, you’re not alone. Palo Alto Networks currently has over 60 colleges, universities, and technical institutions worldwide that are delivering curricula to thousands of students based on Palo Alto Networks technologies and innovations.

The Palo Alto Networks Academy is designed to equip students with the required knowledge of next-generation cybersecurity to successfully navigate today’s rapidly changing cyber threat landscape.

We can help you identify and develop the skills needed to enable tomorrow’s security professionals to sufficiently protect their networks and data. We work with educators, employers, and technology experts to create courses that prepare students for the future.

Palo Alto Networks Academy works with colleges and instructors to prepare students for exciting careers in cloud, network and infrastructure security, one of the fastest-growing segments in technology.

Did you know that cybersecurity is fifth on the list of top issues for Homeland Security?

In fact, the Department of Homeland Security states, “Cyber security has emerged as an issue of vital national security. Governments, businesses, and individuals are under attack from other governments, cyber criminals, and ‘hacktivists.’  These attacks steal hundreds of billions of dollars in personal and business data and compromise sensitive government operations.

Hardly a day goes by when we don’t hear of another high-profile breach. One thing these breaches all have in common is a stateful inspection firewall. Palo Alto Networks-based curricula demonstrate a more modern, next-generation approach to securing your network. Our technology is based on application traffic signatures (App-ID) and not antiquated stateful inspection techniques, which are leaving organizations vulnerable.

Would your campus like to offer the Palo Alto Networks security curriculum? 

If yes, then you might want to consider forwarding the brochure below to your faculty to consider becoming our Academy partner.

academy_1Our courseware includes the essentials to configuring, installing and managing our firewalls.

Course Descriptions:


We also have a textbook called the Cybersecurity Survival Guide, which covers the cybersecurity landscape and threats, best practices, and solutions from Palo Alto Networks.


Additional benefits from Palo Alto Networks include free Virtual Machines (VMs) with licenses, standard subscriptions for classroom use, and expert advice from our educators on building labs and custom courses.

Visit the Palo Alto Networks Academy website for more information:

Please let us know if you have any comments or questions.

You can contact me anytime via Twitter at @CicconeScott, or you can email Shoba Trivadi directly at


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