Palo Alto Networks Recognized as U.S. Rising Star Award Winner by GTDC

Sep 17, 2015
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Last week at the 10th Annual U.S. Rising Star Awards event, we were recognized as a U.S. Rising Star Award Winner for 2015 by the Global Technology Distribution Council (GTDC). The U.S. Rising Star Award recognizes technology companies for exceptional sales growth through U.S. distributors over the past year. This was the second year in a row that we have been recognized as a U.S. Rising Star by the GTDC.

When you consider that the GTDC members are some of the biggest and most successful distribution companies in the world, accounting for more than $135 billion in product sales globally, it makes receiving this award a huge honor.

This recognition also puts us in an elite group of U.S. Rising Star companies. We were one of only 12 2015 award winners, one of only six repeat winners and one of only three companies to be competing in a new higher revenue category (we moved from $25M-$100M in annual revenue to $100M-$500M in annual revenue).

Todd Palmer, VP of Americas Channels and Anne Stoken, Distribution Business Manager North America at Palo Alto Networks were both on hand to receive our 2015 U.S. Rising Star Silver Award in the Hardware Companies with revenue of $100M-$500M category.


This award highlights the vital role distribution plays in our ability to grow. We want to thank the GTDC for the recognition and we want our distributors to know we are hard at work to make sure we are a 2016 U.S. Rising Star winner.

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