P2P Programs Share More Than Music

Jun 21, 2007
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ANALYSIS - Most commonly known for its place in sharing music across vast networks of connected PCs, this article does a great job of summarizing how P2P applications will integrate themselves into the existing applications and folders – often times without the user’s knowledge.

“All five P2P programs studied employ a feature that lets users store downloaded files in a folder other than the specified default folder the programs create. However, the programs fail to warn users that all files stored in the selected folder will be shared. In most cases, the sharing caused by this feature includes not only the files stored in the designated folder but also all files stored in any of its subfolders, said the report."

The result is that P2P applications can result in the sharing of personal files, corporate date and much more than the music files of interest.

Click here to view the E-Commerce Times article.

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