ISMG's recent Advanced Persistent Threats Survey, sponsored by Palo Alto Networks, reviews the current advanced threat and APT landscape as well as where traditional security solutions fall short.
Here is what jumps out about APT findings based on ISMG data:

It’s Time to Target the Kill Chain
ISMG's report covers key trends informing those results as well as how to put those results to work. Our CSO Rick Howard is also interviewed about how organizations should approach 2015 survey investments.

Background on the Survey
The survey was developed by the editorial staff of Information Security Media Group, with the assistance of members of ISMG’s boards of advisers, which include leading information security, IT and risk experts.
This survey was conducted online during the spring of 2014. Key characteristics of the respondent base:
- 64 percent are from the U.S.
- 56 percent of respondent organizations employ 500 or fewer employees
- 44 percent employ between 500 and 10,000+ employees
Top responding industries are:
- Banking/financial services – 57 percent
- Technology – 8 percent
- Professional services – 7 percent