Honeywell and Palo Alto Networks Collaborate on Industrial Cybersecurity Solutions

Feb 23, 2016
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Today Palo Alto Networks and Honeywell announced a collaboration to offer and develop joint Industrial Cybersecurity Solutions. This is huge for both companies but even better for our joint customers. Here are some reasons our existing and potential end users will benefit from this exciting news.

Access to the Entire Platform, Solution Roadmap – Honeywell, a Palo Alto Networks NextWave partner, is now offering the entire Palo Alto Networks platform (Next-Generation Firewall, Threat Intelligence Cloud, Traps Advanced Endpoint Protection) to the global industrial automation community. Coming out of the gate, we have a next-generation Level 3.5 solution that will bring industrial IT-OT perimeter security to the modern posture needed to effectively address the rising ICS threat landscape. Using the Next-Generation Firewall, the solution will give our end users unprecedented Layer-7 visibility and “zero-trust” network segmentation at the very granular application-user-content level. It will also offer indispensable Threat Prevention capabilities needed to combat both known and unknown threats. As technology partners we are also working closely to develop a technology integration roadmap for industrial cybersecurity use-cases across the different layers of the Purdue Model including Level 3 and below. We look forward to sharing more on our upcoming solution development as things progress.

Better Time to Market and Operational Support – Organizations can certainly develop their own industrial cybersecurity architectures, but why not take advantage of the proven reference architectures from Honeywell and Palo Alto Networks? As a systems integrator partner, Honeywell will make sure that the Palo Alto Networks-based solutions are deployed and maintained properly, backed by our world class customer support. In addition, the joint solution makes Honeywell’s managed industrial cybersecurity services available to customers. This is huge for those companies lacking the dedicated staff to fully benefit from real-time security monitoring and analytics.

Leadership and Vision – Here you have two industry leaders and innovators attacking the problem from two different perspectives. Honeywell’s roots are in industrial automation and hence they have a keen eye for reliability and safety when it comes to deploying cybersecurity. Palo Alto Networks has been about next-generation cybersecurity from day one offering a very powerful yet flexible platform that can be used in a range of environments including industrial applications. We see the different baselines of viewpoints as a great thing. Overlay the two perspectives together and you get the best Industrial Control Systems (ICS) cybersecurity solution that the industry has to offer. As leaders in our fields, we are committed to continue delivering solutions that can be deployed in such a way that not only addresses the growing ICS cybersecurity requirements but also accommodates the unique uptime and safety considerations.

Read our solution brief and the press release to learn more about our collaboration with Honeywell.

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