CISOs Must Address the Cybersecurity Skills Gap and Increase Cyber Awareness

Jun 07, 2018
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Over the past decade, the role of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has evolved to keep pace with today’s dynamic threat and regulatory environment. In a new paper, Palo Alto Networks and Korn Ferry examine five things CISOs will need to focus on as their roles shift to accommodate executive responsibilities and more is expected of their teams in the coming years. An excerpt is below.

Since the cybersecurity landscape is constantly changing, in addition to attracting new talent to the industry, continuous training and skill development for existing teams are essential. As different business units move data and services to the cloud, the CISO must develop programs and personnel to train the entire organization on proper cyber hygiene and cybersecurity awareness.

What CISOs can do today:

  • Be creative. Think differently about the teams you have today and how their skills match to the latest trends, training them as needed.
  • Work with HR to develop university outreach programs that focus on bringing young talent into the organization early.
  • Focus on making it easier to consume security technology. If you can make it easier for others to approach your team and understand what your team does, you’re more likely to a attract different types of talent that can bring unique sets of skills to your team.

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