Security Operations

Automate Insecure OpenSSH vulnerability patching in Ubuntu AWS EC2 with Cortex Xpanse

A new vulnerability in Open Secure Shell (OpenSSH), identified as Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) CVE-2023-25136, poses a significant threat to Amazon Web Services Elastic Cloud Compute (AWS EC2) instances. If left unpatched, this vulnerability could leave your instances vulnerable to attack, potentially resulting in the loss of sensitive data or damage to your company's reputation.

Jul 25, 2024
AI Provides an Rx for Cybersecurity in Healthcare

AI Provides an Rx for Cybersecurity in Healthcare

As cyberthreats evolve and proliferate, healthcare organizations are increasingly recognizing the need to embrace artificial intelligence (AI) in their cybersecurity efforts. This...
Jul 10, 2024
Exploring the Art and Science of Threat Hunting with Oded Awaskar

Exploring the Art and Science of Threat Hunting with Oded Awaskar

Mastering the art of threat hunting allows security teams to go on the offensive — to put themselves in the minds of bad actors and stop them in their...
Jul 23, 2024
Rapid Response for OpenSSH Vulnerability CVE-2024-6387

Rapid Response for OpenSSH Vulnerability CVE-2024-6387

An unauthenticated remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in OpenSSH’s server could potentially grant an attacker full root access, which poses a significant exploit risk. RegreSSHion, also known as CVE-2024-6387, was discovered by Qualy...
Jul 12, 2024
Get Ahead of Chrome Changes with Cortex Xpanse

Get Ahead of Chrome Changes with Cortex Xpanse

In June 2024, Google announced it would no longer trust digital certificates issued by Entrust, a popular certificate authority. This decision will block all websites that use Entr...
Jul 08, 2024

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