Prisma Access
vs. Blue Coat

Learn why organizations are leaving their legacy Blue Coat (Symantec)
web proxy appliances for Prisma Access to secure their hybrid workforce.

Say goodbye to legacy Blue Coat boxes and start your SASE-ready future

The choice is clear. Siloed on-premises ProxySG appliances limit visibility and hinder performance for your hybrid workforce, all while creating security blind spots. Now is the time to reassess your web security strategy with a cloud-first SWG solution.

Modernize Your Secure Web Gateway with SASE

Modernize Your Secure Web Gateway with SASE

Learn how a cloud-native SASE approach to SWG delivers best-in-class security and performance while enabling digital transformation. .
 Best-in-Class Security

Best-in-Class Security

Prisma Access secures all internet traffic irrespective of app, port or protocol for all users and locations.

  • Provides industry-leading web security with Advanced Threat Prevention, Advanced URL Filtering, DNS Security, Advanced WildFire, CASB, DLP and more.

  • Supports all web and non-web apps, whether the application is cloud-native, in the public cloud or SaaS-based.

  • Enforces true least-privileged access using App-ID at Layer 7 with granular controls at the app, sub-app function and app activity levels.

  • Blocks known, unknown and evasive web-based threats, such as phishing, malware and C2, using inline machine learning.

Exceptional User Experience

Exceptional Performance and User Experience

Prisma Access is the only solution that guarantees 99.999% uptime with less than 10 ms security processing and the industry’s only SaaS performance SLA.

  • Allows for consistent user experiences regardless of location, how users connect or what application they access.

  • Provides the highest level of performance with dedicated, isolated data planes, single-pass scanning and flexible connectivity options.

  • Provides end-to-end visibility and monitoring into user access and experience with integrated autonomous digital experience management.

Simple and Integrated Platform

Simple and Integrated Platform

Comprehensive and easy-to-use solution that not only provides strong security but improves operational efficiencies to reduce burden on overworked teams.

  • Covers every network and web traffic for all users, regardless of location, with cloud scalability and resiliency.

  • Predefined guided workflow with best practice recommendations simplifies deployment and maintenance for SWG administrators.

  • Intelligent and integrated SASE platform with unified management of security policies delivers high technical and business value.


Compare Prisma Access to Blue Coat

Prisma Access
Blue Coat
Prisma Access
Cloud-delivered web security
  • Consistent internet and SaaS security for all users, apps and locations.
  • Over 4.3 million automatic cloud-enabled unique and daily security updates.
  • Included DNS Security provides 40% more coverage than any other vendor.
  • Included IPS provides inline traffic inspection, even for allowed connections.
Blue Coat
Legacy web proxy
  • On-premises siloed boxes with multiple vendors create inconsistent security.
  • Constant hardware maintenance and upgrades can cause delays.
  • No DNS security means high risk since 84% of malware uses DNS for C2.
  • Unknown and potentially malicious files may pass through without inline inspection.
User Experience
Prisma Access
Security without compromise
  • Consistent user access to the internet and SaaS apps irrespective of location.
  • Highest user performance with a cloud-native SASE architecture built on a massively scalable multicloud backbone.
  • Direct and secure app connectivity with single-pass scanning for frictionless user experiences.
Blue Coat
Constant user interruption
  • Access to the internet and SaaS apps can vary depending on location.
  • A hub-and-spoke architecture centered on on-premises proxies can cause latency and performance degradation for remote users.
  • Blue Coat appliances can bottleneck applications due to limited compute and hardware controls.
Prisma Access
Simple is better than complex
  • Automatic real-time app discovery and ML-powered inline traffic inspection.
  • Fully integrated web security – URL Filtering, DNS, etc. – on a single platform.
  • Single-pane-of-glass for central management and uniform policy enforcement.
  • Simple and predefined guided workflows for SWG admins vs. NetSec protocols.
Blue Coat
Complexity introduces risk
  • Backhauling traffic on-premises for security policy enforcement creates latency.
  • Multiple on-premises Blue Coat boxes with add-ons (DLP, ProxyAV, etc.) can cause friction from disjointed operations.
  • Multivendor hardware appliances, coupled with cloud security products, is untenable for most organizations that lack skilled operators.

Get industry-leading internet and SaaS security

Securely protect remote and hybrid workers

Whether you want a shallow, medium or deep dive explanation on how our Cloud Secure Web Gateway can help – here are resources available at every depth.

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Migrating to a cloud-native SASE platform has never been easier. Speak with a specialist today.

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See what ZTNA combined with the best user experience in a unified security product can do for your organization.
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