Palo Alto Networks Scenes from RSA 2014: Day 1

Feb 24, 2014
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RSA 2014 has kicked off in sunny San Francisco and even with the expo hall not yet open, the day was a flutter of activity. Check out some of our video coverage below:

Several of our executives took the stage today as part of workshops and educational sessions. Lee Klarich, SVP Product Management, joined VMware to talk about securing the software-defined data center.

As Lee explained, rich context is key to what Palo Alto Networks can accomplish in application visibility and control – and that’s especially important in SDDC, an area where we partner very closely with VMware. “We now need the context of virtual machines to make intelligent decisions, particularly in East-West traffic,” he said.


Martin Casado, VMware Chief Networking Architect, explained that SDDC, while not a panacea, is an ideal platform for building ubiquitous enforcement and control. He called for an ecosystem approach between VMware and its partners, including Palo Alto Networks.

You’ve read a lot over the last few months about our integration with VMware NSX. Check back tomorrow for more exciting news on that front.

Meanwhile, our CSO, Rick Howard, discussed the Cybersecurity Canon in front of a capacity crowd, which by the end of his session had a spillover audience about 100 people deep watching on a live video stream.

Spillover Crowd

As he’s been doing here on the blog for several months, Rick explained some of his Canon choices and stayed on after to chat with fellow book lovers. Here are some of reactions to Rick’s presentation.

Read one, one on nightstand MT @BoozAllen Have you read these? @raceBannon99 lists 20 essemtial books for CIOs  #RSAC

@racebannon99. Glad to see Daemon on your list. I just finished and and started Freedom. Fantastic books.

@RSAConference Cyber Security Canon. Man why haven't I read most of these books. I'm heading to the bookstore at my first break.

And in case you missed it, many of Rick’s Canon selections are available in the RSA bookstore at a discount.

Canon Display

We hope you had a good first day at the show, and if you're just arriving, welcome!

Check back here daily for Palo Alto Networks updates and also head to our Facebook page to see a gallery of our RSA photos – we’ll be continuing to update all week. While you’re at it, follow all the #RSAC action on Twitter (@PaloAltoNtwks), not to mention LinkedIn and Google+, too.

Here’s where you can find us tomorrow, Tuesday, February 25:

  • 11:00am-6:00pm: Visit Palo Alto Networks at Booth #3433 during expo hall hours
  • 12:00pm: Scott Simkin, Senior Cyber Analyst, presents in the RSA Briefing Center, The Art of Evasion: Malware Deconstructed (Moscone North, Expo Briefing Room)
  • 8:00pm: Palo Alto Networks hosts the hottest afterparty at RSA. Head to Temple Night Club, 640 Howard St. a short walk from the Moscone Center. It will be even bigger – and even geekier – than last year! Pre-registration to this event is required and space is limited. Get on the guest list here.

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