Financial Services: The Foundation of a Better Security

Jul 24, 2014
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From mobile to cloud computing, financial services organizations rely more than ever on innovative technologies to remain competitive. This focus is motivated more so by long-term profitability and business success than immediate operational priorities.

How do you balance the need to accelerate the adoption of new technologies along with the simultaneous mandate for better, more comprehensive security? How do you move every aspect of your business online while thwarting constantly evolving cyberthreats and APTs?

As a starting point, visibility, control, less complexity, automation, and a next-generation platform must all be foundational components of your cybersecurity strategy. Check our new whitepaper focused on cybersecurity imperatives for the financial services industry and get more details on:

  • How to take unnecessary complexities (and costs) out of security and why you should do so.
  • APTs, and how to evolve from passive detection to proactive prevention and use an automated closed loop approach. Note that you can also read about benefits of our closed loop approach in a recent blog about the new “Bolware” family of malware.  
  • How to put security first when moving your data centers to a cloud-based model. Cloud-based applications and virtualized infrastructure are being adopted rapidly on the promise that they will bring agility and cost savings to data centers, but if security is left behind, you can’t really call this progress.
  • How to proactively secure a new generation of mobile initiatives. Traditional MDM solutions have been focused on device management, overlooking security. What’s needed is a new model that accounts for the device, the communication, and the data.
  • Network segmentation and why it’s more than a best practice, it’s a must have – especially for compliance.

Visit our Palo Alto Networks Financial Services solutions page to stay up-to-date on the latest initiatives.


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