Join Palo Alto Networks at the Healthcare Cyber Security Summit

Nov 26, 2014
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Palo Alto Networks will be at the Healthcare Cyber Security Summit next week, December 3 and 4, in San Francisco.


We’d love if you would join us, and SANS and the National Health Information Sharing & Analysis Center (NH-ISAC) is offering a 20% discount off the Summit registration fee! Just use the discount code when you registerHCPA20.

Network among senior information security leaders, including CIOs, CTOs, CISOs, cybersecurity professionals, security architects and risk managers as well as compliance professionals, learn emerging and leading practices within cybersecurity and build relationships to promote more effective information sharing. View the current agenda here.

If you attend the Summit, don’t miss Palo Alto Networks expert Isabelle Dumont on a Breakfast Panel from 8:00-9:00 am PT on December 4 discussing, “Even More Future-Proofing: Continuing the Conversation on Healthcare Security Solutions.” (Isabelle also has some 2015 predictions for the Healthcare Industry, check them out here.)


Can’t make it to the Healthcare Cyber Security Summit? We’ll be sorry to miss you but we hope to see you at Ignite 2015!

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