Customer Spotlight: How Entsorgung Recycling Zurich Improved Security and Reduced Admin Burdens

Sep 16, 2015
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1437145886358Entsorgung Recycling Zurich (ERZ) recycles waste for the city of Zurich, Switzerland, to the tune of 30,000 bags of trash each day, plus cleaning public spaces and wastewater. Responsible for providing critical basic infrastructure services 24/7, ERZ turned to Palo Alto Networks for advanced endpoint security that didn’t require additional resources.

“We’re always looking for new solutions that can automate work and threat prevention, which were taking us a half day of work to manage,” says Julio Lorenzo, Leader, Group Field Infrastructure for ERZ. That meant no recycled solutions: ERZ chose Palo Alto Networks Traps for endpoint security because “we don’t have to babysit and update Traps constantly, and it would still prevent unknown attacks.”

Combined with WildFire to proactively identify and block unknown malware, Zero-Day exploits, and Advanced Persistent Threats, ERZ has both improved overall security and reduced IT administrative burdens. According to Lorenzo, ERZ now has far fewer administrative expenses and a “new level of protection and prevention against unknown and known threats."

I invite you to read the ERZ case study (in English or German) to learn how ERZ improved security, reduced IT management burdens, and lowered CPU utilization with Palo Alto Networks.

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