Prisma Cloud Professional Services Now in AWS Marketplace

Dec 07, 2020
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Cloud native development offers organizations new ways to create and deliver applications. As they progress in cloud maturity, these organizations are also assessing the many processes and approaches available to them. As a result, as many as 80% of companies feel their cloud infrastructure is continually evolving. Throughout this growth phase, 71% these organizations are looking to trusted partners to help ensure success and simplify security. 

That's why Palo Alto Networks is pleased to announce that it is one of the first security providers participating in the launch of Professional Services in AWS Marketplace.

Professional Services to Support Prisma Cloud

Beginning today, Palo Alto Networks will offer professional services and premium customer success alongside its existing AWS Marketplace listings for Prisma Cloud, the industry's most comprehensive Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNSP)

As customers continue to adopt Amazon Web Services (AWS) offerings, security operations and DevOps teams can stay agile and collaborate effectively by leveraging the Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) and Cloud Workload Protection (CWPP) capabilities in Prisma Cloud. 

Powering Successful Cloud Adoptions

This launch will enable AWS users to quote and contract premium customer success and quickstart services without leaving AWS Marketplace.

Customer Success 

Our customer success managers and engineers partner with customers to help secure their business and drive desired technical outcomes. They are advocates, product experts and strategic advisors that help customers operate and grow securely. 

Customer benefits include: 

  • Continuous assistance and oversight to help expedite setup and initial configuration during Prisma Cloud deployment. 
  • Customized product experience through guided onboarding, workshops and 24/7 technical phone support. 
  • Accelerated time-to-value using personalized implementation plans aligned with the customer's strategic objectives.
  • A shared, trackable success plan featuring product integration with operational workflows to ensure seamless alignment with network, cloud and security infrastructure.

QuickStart Services 

These help customers plan and execute a Prisma Cloud deployment. This includes project management, planning, configuration, production deployment event support, knowledge transfer and documentation. 

Customer Benefits include: 

  • Implementation based on proven best practices, helping ensure a successful deployment with day-one protection.
  • Accelerated time-to-value using personalized implementation plans aligned with the strategic objectives.
  • Minimized risk through expert planning and mitigation at every step.

Get Prisma Cloud Services on AWS Marketplace

Wherever you are in your AWS cloud adoption journey, Palo Alto Networks offers security solutions and services to get the most out of your investment in Prisma Cloud – refined through more than 1,800 global deployments.

To begin your own guided Prisma Cloud deployment, check out our listing in AWS Marketplace.

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