Partners Are Part of the Team At Palo Alto Networks

Aug 21, 2015
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This week's Sales Kick Off was historic for Palo Alto Networks in many ways, not only as a celebration of our fiscal 2015 but also because we invited our top partners from around the world to join the extended Palo Alto Networks field team and discuss the opportunities ahead, side by side. CRN Associate Editor Sarah Kuranda was also with us in Las Vegas, and met with many of our partners and executives, including President and CEO Mark McLaughlin.

As Mark told CRN, "We're investing very heavily in the partner community. We have thought for a long time that our partners and us were a team, and we really want to continue to act that way and take it to the next level. We are extraordinarily transparent; we're giving them the same training, they're in all the meetings we're having with our new salespeople and our new SEs. … We are 100 percent partner-focused."

Read more about what is driving growth in the security market, our focus on partners and the key differentiators of our security platform in CRN's Q&A with Mark. Also be sure to check out what some of our partners have to say about their own growth and partnership with us here.

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