Application Framework Highlights and More from Ignite '18 USA!

May 22, 2018
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Day 2 of Ignite ’18 in Anaheim began with attendees flocking to our general session, to hear from President and CEO Mark McLaughlin, Co-founder and CTO Nir Zuk, and Chief Product Officer Lee Klarich, along with some notable guest speakers including ethical hacker Keren Alazari.

That fully-loaded morning set the stage for an action-packed day of hands-on demos, expert 1:1s and countless opportunities for attendees to sharpen their cybersecurity chops, while getting a glimpse into what’s new with Palo Alto Networks. And along with thousands of customers, we welcomed more than 30 developer partners previewing apps for the Application Framework in our innovation sandbox.

Check out all the highlights from today’s general session and some of the sights and sounds from Ignite ’18 USA Day 2.

See what others are saying about today’s updates to the Application Framework

There’s still a lot more to come in the next few days. Be sure to follow @ignite_conf and #IgniteYourSecurity for the latest from Ignite 2018. In the meantime, check out tweets and photos from the day below.

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